Bed Head

What does Bed Head mean?

Hair that’s not tidy or neat, also known as ‘Bed Head’

Bed head is a term used to describe hair that looks completely messy, as if you’ve just got up from sleep. This could mean your hair is all frizzy, flattened at the back, or sticking out in different directions.

Mostly, you get bed head after a good night’s sleep or even a short nap. But, there are other situations where your hair might turn into bed head. For example, if you’ve been skydiving, riding in a convertible, or wearing a motorcycle helmet.

Interestingly, some people find the bed head look charming. They intentionally mess up their hair to achieve this look. And then, there are those who sport the bed head style to give off a laid-back vibe, as if they don’t care much about how they look.

Example for using ‘Bed Head’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see Sarah today?

Yeah, she had major bed head!

Haha, I know! Her hair was all over the place.

I kind of like the bed head look though, it’s cute.