
What does Chad mean?

A guy who is very athletic and sure of himself

A “Chad” is typically considered a man who is in good shape, overly confident, and likely to be sexually active. This term is often used to describe the kind of alpha males who behave in a way that is arrogant and disrespectful towards women.

While some suggest that the term originated in the UK during the Second World War, it’s widely believed that it came from the Chicago area in the early 1990s. Here it was used as an insult towards young, successful men, usually in their 20s or 30s, who were skilled at chatting up women in bars.

In the 2000s, “Chad” gained popularity as an online slang term, and by the 2010s, it was widely used in memes. Online communities of incels, particularly on platforms like Reddit, 4chan, and YouTube, often use the term to criticize the macho, fraternity-type guys who seem to “get all the girls”.

Though being fit and confident are generally seen as positive traits, they can become a problem when used irresponsibly. This is where the whole idea of a “Chad” comes in. It’s used to label guys whose main goal is to hook up with women, often at the expense of others’ feelings.

But if a man is fit, confident, popular with women, yet still treats everyone with respect and consideration, the term “Chad” may be used out of jealousy, this is a common tactic among incels.

The term “Chad” is often used online alongside videos or images that showcase guys behaving like jerks. It can also be used in real-life situations to call out men who are blatantly disrespectful to others.

Like “Karen”, “Becky”, or “Kyle”, “Chad” is a name-based term used to describe people who display certain behaviors or personality traits. Each of these names represents a different stereotype.

Example for using ‘Chad’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see that guy at the gym today? He was so ripped and confident, it was almost intimidating. 😮

Oh yeah, that’s Chad. He’s always showing off his muscles and acting like he’s the best. 🙄

Ugh, he’s such a Chad. I can’t stand guys like him who think they’re better than everyone else just because they’re fit. 🙄

Totally agree! Being fit is great, but it’s not an excuse to be a jerk. People like Chad give all the confident guys a bad name. 😒