What does CRAFT stand for?

Can’t remember a freakin’ thing

CRAFT is a fun way of saying that you “can’t remember a freakin’ thing”. It’s perfect for those moments when you are totally blank on a detail or subject. Maybe you’re in a conversation and suddenly you’re stumped – you can simply say that you CRAFT.

But keep in mind, CRAFT is not your everyday acronym. If you drop it into a text, email, or chat, there’s a good chance the person on the other end might get puzzled. They might even think you’re talking about some kind of arts and crafts project!

Picture this: your friend, Bob, asks you about your plans from the previous night. If you reply with “I CRAFT”, Bob might think you spent your night knitting a sweater or making beaded bracelets. So, while it’s a great acronym for your forgetful moments, it’s not always the clearest to others.

So, that’s the scoop on CRAFT. It’s a handy slang term when you’re having a memory lapse, but it might leave your friends scratching their heads if they’re not in the know!

Example for using ‘CRAFT’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch that movie we were talking about last night?

CRAFT πŸ˜… I totally forgot to watch it. I got caught up with other things.

No problem! It’s still available on the streaming platform. Let me know when you watch it.

Will do! Thanks for understanding. 😊