What does FTL stand for?

For the loss

If a player is on the verge of losing a game, they might type “FTL,” an abbreviation for “for the loss.” This term isn’t limited to the gaming world, though. It can also be used to describe a gloomy or awkward situation, such as an unfortunate mishap or a cringe-worthy confession.

FTL is essentially a sarcastic response to FTW and a less dramatic version of FTEL. People usually resort to FTL as a humorous way to acknowledge an impending defeat or a disappointing situation.

For instance, a player who realizes they’re about to lose might say, “Launching my final attack, FTL!” Alternatively, someone might use FTL to mock a political blunder, tweeting something like, “Prime Minister FTL!

Example for using ‘FTL’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see that new video game trailer?

Yeah, it looks pretty cool. But FTL, I’ll probably lose every match!