
What does Gobbo mean?


If you’re into DnD or a fan of goblincore, you’re probably already familiar with the term ‘Gobbo’. It’s a sweet little term used to refer to ‘goblins’. People often use this term when they find goblins to be cute, captivating, and carefree.

Traditionally, goblins were represented as scary, wicked beings. But, in today’s fantasy world, they are often shown as peculiar but ultimately friendly creatures. Take for instance, in the card game Yu-Gi-Oh!, goblins are portrayed as uncomplicated, loud beings who often hilariously bite off more than they can chew.

These portrayals, along with some folks’ love for goblins’ scruffy, simple living, have made goblins one of the most loveable creatures in fantasy. This has led to them being affectionately called ‘gob’ and ‘gobbo’.

Example for using ‘Gobbo’ in a conversation

Hey! Have you heard of goblincore?

Yes! It’s all about embracing the goblin lifestyle, right? 🌿

Exactly! And you know what they call goblins as a cute nickname?

Hmm, what is it? πŸ˜„

They call them “gobbo”! Isn’t that adorable? πŸ¦‡