
What does Grl mean?


Typing ‘Grl’ is a trendy way to say “girl” in digital chats and text messages. It’s a quick hack that drops one letter from the full word, making it faster to type.

You’ll often find this abbreviation used by younger folks, specifically teenagers and young adults. They usually use ‘Grl’ to refer to a female of around the same age group. So, you might get a message from a college student to a friend saying, “Did you notice the new grl in our class?”

Also, it’s not uncommon to see ‘Grl’ pop up as a typo. Sometimes, people simply forget to tap the “i” when typing “girl”. For instance, your mom might send you a text saying, “Watching the old videos, you were such a cute little grl!”

Example for using ‘Grl’ in a conversation

Hey! Did you see that new grl in our math class today? 😍

Yeah, she’s really cute! I hope she sits next to me tomorrow. πŸ™

I heard her name is Emily. She seems really nice. 😊

I’ll try to talk to her tomorrow and see if she wants to join our study group. πŸ“š