What does IA stand for?

I agree

IA is a quick and easy way to show agreement with something someone else has said. It’s often used in text messages, social media posts, and online forums.

Imagine you’re complaining to your friend about how your parents always seem to favor your sister. Your friend might respond with, “IA, it’s not fair that they always put her first.” This shows they agree with your feelings.

Or suppose you’re chatting online with someone about how to fix a glitchy computer. You might say, “IA that your idea might work. But maybe try updating the software first.”

IA is just one of many ways to express agreement in a conversation. Other examples include phrases like ‘word’, ‘IAWTC’, ‘IAWTP’, ‘bet’, and ‘ICAM’. All of these can be used to say “I agree” in different contexts.

Example for using ‘IA’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch the new episode of that show?

IA! It was so good! The plot twist totally caught me off guard 😮

Right?! I was not expecting that at all. The writers did an amazing job! 🙌

IA. They really know how to keep us hooked. Can’t wait for the next episode! 🍿