
What does Imma mean?

I’m gonna

Imma is a shortened version of the phrase “I am going to…”. It’s a quicker way to express your future plans or intentions. You can use it at the beginning of a sentence to tell others what you plan to do.

This abbreviation is used in spoken language and also in written form such as online chats and text messages. It’s a common piece of internet language that helps us communicate faster.

Not only is ‘Imma’ used for fast and easy communication, it is also popular in the music industry. Many rap artists use it in their lyrics. It helps them maintain a cool vibe and makes it easier for them to rhyme words.

You might also come across ‘Imma’ spelled as ‘ima’. It’s just another way of writing the same term. Both versions are widely accepted and used.

Example for using ‘Imma’ in a conversation

Hey, are you coming to the party tonight?

Imma be there for sure! Can’t wait to see everyone!

Awesome! Imma bring some snacks. What should I bring?

Imma bring some drinks, so maybe you can bring some chips or dip?