What does KMP stand for?

Keep me posted

When you see KMP in a text or message, it means keep me posted. This acronym is typically used when someone wants to stay informed about a certain situation or event. You’ll often find it in chats with friends, family, or colleagues who want to be kept in the loop.

Let’s take an example to understand this better. Imagine you’ve told your friend, Jack, that you’ve been working on a project but you’re still waiting for the results. Jack might respond with “KMP, I can’t wait to hear how it turns out!”. This means that Jack wants you to keep him updated about your project’s progress.

In such a scenario, after you’ve received the results of your project, you should remember to inform Jack about it. This way, he won’t feel left out or OOTL (out of the loop). So, when you see KMP, remember it’s a request to keep someone updated about a situation.

Example for using ‘KMP’ in a conversation

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I aced my exam today! πŸŽ‰

That’s awesome! Congrats! 🎊 KMP on how you did on your project presentation tomorrow too! Good luck! πŸ€

Thanks! Will do! πŸ˜„

Great! Can’t wait to hear all about it! KMP! 🀞