What does LTM stand for?

Laughing to myself

LTM is a popular slang term used in text messaging and social media, standing for “laughing to myself”. When someone sends you a message with LTM, it means they found something you said or sent amusing, but they’re keeping their laughter to themselves.

Using LTM is common in situations where a loud laugh – or LOL – might not be suitable. Say, your buddy Sam is in a quiet office setting and you send him a hilarious cat video. He might respond with an LTM to show he found it funny, but he can’t laugh out loud.

So, when you see LTM in a text, it’s a good sign. It means your friend found your joke or video entertaining, but they’re just trying to keep their giggles under wraps. It’s their way of being considerate to their surroundings, especially if they’re in a place where loud laughter could be disruptive.

Example for using ‘LTM’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see that funny cat video I sent you earlier? πŸ±πŸ˜‚

LTM! I’m at work right now, so I couldn’t LOL. But it was hilarious! 🀣

Haha, I’m glad you liked it! Don’t want you getting in trouble for laughing out loud at work. πŸ˜„

Exactly! Gotta keep it low-key and LTM instead. Thanks for understanding! πŸ˜