Main Character Energy

What does Main Character Energy mean?

Assurance and grace

Having Main Character Energy means you’re living life on your own terms, brimming with self-assuredness and grace. It’s like you’re the protagonist in your own life’s movie, leading the narrative rather than just being a part of it.

This phrase is often used to comment on someone’s demeanor or look. Suppose your buddy steps out in a stylish outfit, coupled with a confident attitude. You might say, “Wow, dude! You’re serving some serious main character energy!”

People also use it to motivate others in reclaiming their life’s control. Let’s say your buddy, John, just lost his job and needs a break to reset. You might suggest that he focuses on restoring his main character energy by prioritizing his wellbeing.

Moreover, you’ll find this term quite popular in dating circles. It’s all about focusing on self-improvement and meeting your own needs, rather than seeking a partner or trying to appease others. For instance, if your friend, Sarah, is tired of the dating scene, you might advise her to regain her main character energy by indulging in activities that bring her joy.

Example for using ‘Main Character Energy’ in a conversation

Friend: Just wanted to say, you’re absolutely glowing today! 😍

You: Aw, thanks! I’ve been working on my main character energy lately. πŸ’ͺ

Friend: Well, it definitely shows! You’re radiating confidence and poise. 🌟

You: Haha, thank you! It feels great to prioritize myself and own my story. ✨