Make It Rain

What does Make It Rain mean?

Tossing money up into the air

When someone says ‘Make It Rain’, they are actually talking about a flashy act of showing off their wealth. It involves a person literally throwing money up in the air, making it look like it’s raining money.

This slang is very popular in the hip-hop culture and is often seen happening in clubs. It’s a way for people to boast about how much money they have to spare.

There’s also a similar phrase, ‘Make it snow’. This is basically the same thing as ‘Make it Rain’, but it usually involves throwing around bills of larger amounts.

Example for using ‘Make It Rain’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see that new music video?

Yeah, I watched it. The rapper was making it rain!

Haha, I know! It looked so cool with all that money flying around!

Definitely! It’s a flashy way to show off their wealth.