What does MDL mean?

Might delete later

When someone uses the slang term ‘MDL’, they are basically saying, “I might delete this later.” It’s a term that’s popular on social media platforms like Twitter, where people often second-guess their posts. They might feel confident about a tweet at the moment but worry they may want to remove it later. To signify this, they add ‘MDL’ to their tweet.

Most of the time, you’ll find ‘MDL’ tagged at the end of a line that says, “Feeling cute, MDL.” This is usually accompanied by a selfie or a posed picture. The person posting is essentially saying they might not like their picture later and may want to remove it because they see something they think isn’t perfect.

Earlier, ‘MDL’ was used in a straightforward way. If someone added it to their tweet, they were seriously considering deleting it at a later time. But nowadays, ‘MDL’ is often used in a funny or ironic way. It’s usually attached to a tweet or a picture that the user thinks is really good and they have no plans of removing it.

Example for using ‘MDL’ in a conversation

Hey, check out this selfie I just took! Feeling cute 😊✨

Looking good! MDL though, just in case you change your mind later! πŸ˜„πŸ“Έ

Haha, thanks! But yeah, you never know. Gotta keep my options open! πŸ˜…

Totally get it! It’s all about that self-editing power! πŸ™ŒπŸ’ͺ