
What does Larper mean?

Live action role-player

When someone is called a ‘Larper’, it means they love to participate in live-action role-playing games, also known as LARP events. These are unique kinds of games where people act out the roles of imaginary characters in a made-up world.

A ‘Larper’ doesn’t just sit at home playing video games. Instead, they take on a character’s personality and actions, bringing the game to life in the real world. They might dress up, use props, or even speak in a different accent to fully immerse themselves in their character’s life.

These LARP events can be based on anything from fantasy novels to historical periods. The role a ‘Larper’ plays can be diverse and depends largely on the theme of the event. It’s all about stepping into someone else’s shoes and experiencing a completely different life for a while.

So, if you ever come across someone who loves to step into the shoes of a knight, wizard, or any other character in a fictional setting, you now know what to call them. They’re a ‘Larper’, a real-life role-playing game enthusiast!

Example for using ‘Larper’ in a conversation

Hey, have you heard of the term ‘Larper’?

Yeah, I have! It means ‘Live action role-player’.

Oh, cool! So, what exactly does a Larper do?

A Larper is someone who takes part in real-life LARP events, pretending to be a character in a made-up world.