What does PLMK stand for?

Please let me know

‘PLMK’ is an acronym that stands for ‘please let me know’. It is often used in text messages or emails when someone needs information or confirmation about something.

Consider this, your supervisor, Alex, might use it like this: “Alex to team: PLMK when the presentation is ready”. This means Alex wants to be informed when the task is completed.

Another example could be your partner or roommate asking, “Will you be joining for movie night? PLMK”. Here, they are asking you to inform them if you are participating or not.

So, whenever you see ‘PLMK’ at the start or end of a sentence, remember it is a polite way of asking someone to inform or update them about something.

Example for using ‘PLMK’ in a conversation

Hey, are you free tomorrow evening?

I’m not sure yet. What’s up?

There’s a new movie playing. PLMK if you’re interested!

Sounds fun! I’ll check my schedule and get back to you ASAP. πŸŽ₯