What does WBY stand for?

What about you?

When you see ‘WBY’ in a text, it’s a quick way for someone to say “what about you?”.

It’s a casual question your pals, kin, or colleagues might toss into a convo to find out your point of view or what you’re doing.

Let’s say your buddy, Alex, texts you, “I’ve got zip planned for the wknd. WBY?” Alex is checking if you are free and possibly wants to make plans.

So, if you get a message with ‘WBY’, the sender is showing interest in your thoughts or schedule. It’s a friendly way to keep the conversation going.

Example for using ‘WBY’ in a conversation

Hey, I just finished watching that new movie. It was awesome! WBY?

Oh, cool! I haven’t seen it yet. WBY? Any other movies you recommend?

I loved it! You should definitely check it out. As for recommendations, have you seen “The Avengers”? It’s really good too!

Oh yeah, I’ve seen “The Avengers”! It’s one of my favorites. What about “Black Panther”? Have you watched that?