What does PRW stand for?

Parents are watching

When youngsters use the term PRW, they’re giving a heads up that “parents are watching.” If you spot this abbreviation in your child’s text messages or chats, it might be a good idea to check what else they’re talking about.

On the flip side, if you’re a teenager and you receive a message containing PRW, be careful about what you reply with. You wouldn’t want to get your buddy in hot water with their folks. Instead, switch the chat to something less controversial and parent-friendly, such as homework or the latest football game.

Example for using ‘PRW’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see the new movie that came out? πŸŽ₯

Yeah, it was so good! But PRW, so I had to sneak out to watch it. πŸ˜…

Haha, that’s risky! Make sure your parents don’t find out. 🀫

Definitely! Gotta be careful when PRW, you know? 😬