Soft Parenting

What does Soft Parenting mean?

Being a buddy-like parent

Soft parenting is a style of parenting that emphasizes understanding a child’s emotions and maintaining fewer rules. It’s a debated method, with some people seeing it as coddling the child, while others argue it allows for greater emotional development and trust within the child.

Those who are more critical of this approach tend to be older, having been raised with a “tough love” mindset where showing emotions was perceived as a weakness. They argue that parents should play the role of authority figures, not friends, and worry that soft parenting might create overly sensitive children.

On the other hand, supporters of soft parenting are often younger and pay close attention to their children’s feelings. They advocate for a friendship-based relationship between parents and children, rather than an authoritative one.

Many experts, however, recommend a balanced approach to parenting, with a mix of emotional support and discipline. This style, often termed as “permissive parenting,” is sometimes used synonymously with soft parenting.

Example for using ‘Soft Parenting’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about soft parenting?

Yeah, it’s all about being friendly with your kids, right? Less rules and more focus on emotions.

Exactly! Some people say it spoils the kids, but others think it helps them trust and grow emotionally.

I guess it depends on the parents and the child. Every family is different.