Sunday Ball

What does Sunday Ball mean in Golf?

A second try at a golf shot, also known as ‘Sunday Ball’

Ever played a bad shot in golf and wished you could get a do-over? Well, that’s where a Sunday Ball comes into play. This term is used when a golfer takes a second shot from the same spot after an unfavorable first attempt, without adding a stroke to their score.

While the term may sound official, it’s important to note that the Sunday Ball isn’t an official rule in the game of golf. It’s more of a friendly gesture, given to a player during a casual game. It’s similar to another golf term, known as a ‘mulligan’ or ‘reload’.

In other words, a Sunday Ball is all about getting a second chance at a shot without it affecting your overall game. So the next time you’re out on the golf course and your first shot doesn’t quite go as planned, you might just be able to play a Sunday Ball.

Example for using ‘Sunday Ball’ in a conversation

Hey, I had a terrible first shot on the golf course today. 😩

Oh no! Did you use a Sunday Ball? β›³οΈπŸ˜

Yeah, thankfully my buddies let me take another shot without a penalty. It saved my score! πŸ™Œ

That’s awesome! Sunday Balls can really come in handy during casual games. Enjoy the rest of your round! β›³οΈπŸ˜„