What does TIHI stand for?

Thanks, I hate it

On various social platforms like Reddit and Twitter, TIHI is a commonly used acronym that stands for “thanks, I hate it”. This expression is typically used to show a sarcastic gratitude when someone shares something that the person finds unpleasant or disturbing.

When a user posts something that others find off-putting or unsettling, it’s common to see responses with TIHI. For example, if a user on Twitter shares a snapshot of the unsettling half-animated, half-human characters from the film CATS (2019), it’s highly likely another user will respond with a TIHI.

Even though it’s not clear where the phrase “thanks, I hate it” originated from, it started to gain popularity around 2017. As more people began using it, this phrase got shortened to the acronym TIHI. It has even led to the creation of its own subreddit, r/TIHI, where users can share their own “thanks, I hate it” moments.

Example for using ‘TIHI’ in a conversation

Ugh, did you see that new horror movie trailer? πŸ˜–

Yes! TIHI! It gave me nightmares just watching it. πŸ™ˆ

I know, right? The creepy music and jump scares were too much. 😱

TIHI, but I couldn’t look away. It was like watching a train wreck. πŸš‚πŸ’₯