
What does Twollower mean?

A ‘Twollower’ is a follower on Twitter

When you merge the words Twitter and follower, you get a new term called Twollower. It’s a cool, modern way to describe someone who follows another user on Twitter.

Being a Twollower means you get to see their tweets in your own feed. This allows you to stay updated with their posts, thoughts, or anything they decide to share on the platform.

When you’re a Twollower, you also have the option to interact directly with the person you’re following. You can tweet back at them, allowing you to engage in conversations or even start new ones.

Example for using ‘Twollower’ in a conversation

Hey! Have you seen that new tweet by @SocialMediaGuru?

Yeah, I did! They always have interesting things to say. I’m their Twollower, you know.

Oh, really? That’s cool! I should follow them too.

Definitely! Their tweets will show up in your feed and you can even tweet back at them.