What does WDYT stand for?

What do you think

When you see WDYT, it stands for ‘What Do You Think’. It’s a common way of asking for someone else’s opinion on the internet. You might get this in a text from a buddy, an email from a colleague, or even a post from a stranger on a social media platform.

People use WDYT when they want to know what you think about something. Maybe they’re looking for advice or want to hear your thoughts on a particular topic. It’s all about getting feedback.

Sometimes, when someone asks WDYT, they’re hoping for a gentle response. In such situations, you might want to use the phrases IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) or JMO (Just My Opinion) before you give your thoughts. This way, you’re letting them know that what you’re about to say is just your personal viewpoint and not a universal truth.

But, there can be times when the WDYT question is about a really bad idea. In those cases, you might have to give a straight, maybe even a harsh response. Remember, honesty is often the best policy, even when it’s a little uncomfortable.

Example for using ‘WDYT’ in a conversation

Hey, I found this really cool gadget online. WDYT? πŸ€”

Oh, let me check it out. Give me a sec. πŸ‘€

Sure, take your time. I’m thinking of buying it, but I wanted your opinion first. 😊

Hmm, it looks interesting. I think it could be useful for you. Go for it! πŸ’ͺ