What does YW stand for?

You’re welcome

When you see YW in a message or comment, it’s short for “you’re welcome.” It’s a quick and easy way to respond when someone says “Thanks” or “Thx.”

If you’re feeling a bit more excited or want to show extra enthusiasm, you can switch out YW for YVW. This stands for “you’re very welcome,” and it’s a bit more emphatic than just YW.

Other alternatives to YW include UW and URW. However, these aren’t as popular or widely used as YW. So if you want to stick with what most people recognize, YW is your best bet.

Example for using ‘YW’ in a conversation

Hey, thanks for helping me with the assignment yesterday!

YW! It was no problem at all. 😊

I really appreciate it. You’re the best!

Aw, thanks! URW! πŸ˜„