What does XD mean?

Laughing out loud

If you’re into texting or online chats, you might have seen ‘XD’ quite often. It’s actually a way to express laughter or amusement. It’s seen a lot when people find something hilarious.

Now, you might be wondering what it looks like. If you tilt your head to the left by 90 degrees, it appears like a laughing face. In this case, X represents the eyes and D stands for the mouth. The eyes are closed tight because the laughter is so intense, and the mouth is wide open.

So, next time you see ‘XD’ in a text or online chat, know that it’s someone expressing a big laugh. It’s a fun way to show that you find something really funny.

Example for using ‘XD’ in a conversation

Person 1: Hey, did you see that funny video of the cat trying to catch its tail? XD

Person 2: Yes, I saw it! XD That cat was hilarious!

Person 1: I can’t stop laughing! XD

Person 2: Same here! XD It’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day!