What does ADPIC stand for?

Always Dependably Politically Incorrect

When you hear ‘ADPIC’, it’s referring to an individual, a YouTube channel, a TV network, or the like, that doesn’t bother with political correctness. These entities might not concern themselves with using accepted terms, they could make jokes in poor taste, or voice controversial opinions.

There’s a decent amount of reasons why someone or something wouldn’t worry about being politically correct. For instance, they might be of an older generation and just don’t care, they could be naturally grumpy, they might enjoy stirring people up, or they could be against “woke” left-wing thinking.

So, the next time you come across an individual, a TV station, or a YouTube channel that’s not afraid to ruffle some feathers and go against the grain of political correctness, you could say that they’re an ‘ADPIC’.

Example for using ‘ADPIC’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen that new TV show on Channel X? It’s so ADPIC! They don’t hold back with their jokes and opinions. 🀣

Oh yeah, I know what you mean! It’s refreshing to see something that’s not afraid to be politically incorrect. πŸ˜…

Definitely! I’m tired of all the overly sensitive stuff these days. Sometimes you just need a good laugh without worrying about being PC. 😜

I totally agree! It’s nice to have a place where you can let loose and not worry about being judged for every little thing you say. πŸ™Œ