What does AOMM stand for?

Always on my mind

When you come across “AOMM” in messages or emails, it’s a short way of saying that someone is always thinking about you. It can be used to show a deep level of care, but often, it’s a sign of being totally smitten or in love with someone.

For instance, if you’ve been seeing someone for a while and you’re really into them, you might text, “So excited for our next date! AOMM. :)” But be careful, this is a pretty strong message to send, so it’s best to make sure the other person might feel the same. Otherwise, you might come off as a bit of a creep.

The origins of “AOMM” are a bit hazy, but it seems to have been inspired by the song “Always on My Mind.” This song was first recorded by Brenda Lee, then made famous by Elvis Presley and Willie Nelson in the 70s and 80s. As the internet and texting grew in the 90s and 2000s, the phrase was shortened to AOMM.

Example for using ‘AOMM’ in a conversation

Hey! How’s your day going?

It’s good! Just thinking about you. AOMM. 😊

Aww, that’s so sweet! You’re always on my mind too. πŸ’•

Really? That makes me so happy! Can’t wait to see you again. AOMM. 😍