
What does Mp5 mean in World of Warcraft?

Mana per five seconds

In the world of World of Warcraft (WoW), ‘Mp5’ is a key statistic. It’s used to calculate the amount of mana regenerated every five seconds.

Mp5 enables mana regeneration irrespective of the player’s action – moving, casting, or even while being attacked. This makes it a valuable statistic in situations with non-stop activity.

Given the constant action in WoW, ‘Mp5’ is often more preferred than other mana regeneration statistics. It’s the go-to stat for players who need uninterrupted mana supply, ensuring they’re always ready for action.

Example for using ‘Mp5’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see the new armor in WoW?

Yes! It has +20 Mp5!

Nice! That means more mana regeneration, right?

Exactly! It’s great for constant activity situations.