Tower Diving

What does Tower Diving mean in MOBA Gaming?

Going after an enemy player under their tower

Tower Diving is a term from MOBA video games like Heroes of Newerth (HON) and Smite. It’s when a player boldly enters enemy territory to attack an adversary who is under their tower. This is a risky move, as entering enemy territory heightens the chances of getting killed.

Despite the risk, successful tower diving can yield great rewards. It can swing the balance of the game in your favor. The enemy may start playing more defensively, knowing they aren’t safe even under their own tower.

Example for using ‘Tower Diving’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see that tower dive in the game last night? 🏰πŸ’₯

Yeah, it was insane! They went in deep and took down the enemy under their own tower. 🀯πŸ”₯

I know, right? It was a risky move, but totally worth it. They gained a huge advantage. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

Definitely! The other team had to play more defensively after that. Tower diving can really change the game. βš”οΈπŸ›‘οΈ