
What does Chungus mean?

An adorable, chubby critter

Chungus is a slang term used to describe a cute, chubby creature. This word initially gained attention and popularity through the efforts of a video game journalist named Jim Sterling and the online gaming community. Nowadays, you might even hear someone in a local park exclaim, “Look at that chungus!” when they spot a fat, adorable squirrel.

Interestingly, when Sterling started using the term ‘chungus’, it didn’t really have any specific meaning. But a Reddit user, let’s call him TacoLover, associated the term with a picture of an overweight Bugs Bunny, making a fake cover for a non-existent PS4 game titled Big Chungus.

This image of a chubby Bugs Bunny, labeled as ‘Big Chungus’ caught the imagination of the internet and quickly went viral. As a result, the word ‘chungus’ is now commonly associated with cartoonishly overweight creatures.

Example for using ‘Chungus’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen the latest meme?

No, what’s it about?

It’s all about chungus! 🐰

Chungus? What’s that?

It means a cute, chunky creature. Like an adorable fat squirrel! 🐿️