What does WTS stand for?

Want to sell

When you see WTS used online, it’s typically someone saying they “want to sell” something. It’s a common term used in online markets.

You’ll find WTS in places like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or other similar platforms. People use it when they’ve got something they want to sell.

Don’t be surprised if you also spot WTS in games like Final Fantasy or Elder Scrolls Online. In these games, players use WTS when they’re looking to sell a specific in-game item.

Example for using ‘WTS’ in a conversation

Hey, I have a bunch of old video games that I don’t play anymore. WTS?

Oh, cool! What games do you have?

I have Mario Kart, Zelda, and Call of Duty. All for PS4.

Nice! How much are you selling them for?